dimanche 1 mai 2011

The Entity : Do you want to be scare ?

My last reviews talks about “HOW TO MAKE A BAD HORROR MOVIE”, but good horror movies exist and you can really be scared front of a screen.  In this article, I am not speaking about two or three shivers of fear.  I am going to introduce a real horror movie, when at the end, you will not be able to close your eyes and sleep; moreover if you are woman.  In my opinion this movie is one of the best horror movies that I have ever seen.  

So, today, when you will arrive at the FNAC, you will go to the horror movie  section and if it’s your lucky day, you will find The Entity of Sidney J. Furie (1981). When I found it, I did a little victory dance and called all my friends to share my happiness! Because, The Entity is like a grail for all the horror movie fans. It’s like a classical movie very difficult to find. 

I guess you want to know the subject and the story of The Entity…Don’t be lazy and go to Wikipedia!  I am just kidding! I promise at the end of this review The Entity will not have a secret for you. But I am not sure that you will have the bravery to face the ghost of this story.  

The Entity is the story of Carla Moran a very kind and maternal single mum. But one night she is violently raped in her home by an unseen force. At first she thinks it was a nightmare but she finds many bruises all over her body. The following night the unseen force raped her again, stronger and more violently. Clara realizes she may have a poltergeist in her home, she has to flee with her children.

Bad Luck, she is followed by her rapist who attacks her everywhere. Clara finds help from her friend Cindy who escorts her to a psychiatrist. She meets Dr Sneiderman and starts a therapy, the doctor believes she has caused the bruises and the other injuries to herself.  Because Clara is not a woman with a easy past, she suffered of lot of traumas in her childhood and adolescence including sexual abuse, teenage pregnancy and the violent death of her first husband. She is not really a lucky person. 

But Clara disagrees! And when her friend and Clara’s children are the witnesses of an attack, the two girls explore the possibility of a supernatural cause. They meet two parapsychologists and convince them to visit Clara’s home.  The scientists accept to help Clara to expel the poltergeist.  But it will not be a easy task. 

I don’t want to spoil the story if one or two readers are enough brave to watch it.  But, I can explain why this movie is so scary. Even if, the story give you many clues. 

The Entity wins the bet to be very scary and shows nothing. Clara is raped, you watch everything, but there is no rapist. The actress Barbara Hershey is so good in this movie that you really see a rape in front of you.  To be raped is a fear that every woman can share, but being raped by an invisible man anytime and anywhere is so frightening. The Entity is so realistic that a strong feeling of discomfort takes you. 

Do you think this story might be real ? I ask you this question because there is a legend about  The Entity: the movie may be inspired by a real story of a poltergeist who raped a woman in USA. So during Clara’s calvary, many scientists, psychiatrists refuse the poltergeist’s hypothesis and look for other solutions. But at the end, they never find a logical explanation. Even your rational mind starts to doubt. 

I will never be able to forgot the end of the movie and the last sentence which is so scary: there is no more hope for Clara.  I will tell you a secret about my night after watching The Entity, I was not able to sleep at all, like a child who is afraid of the monster under his bed. The last time I was like this, I was 12 years old and I watched The Exorcist. I was sure that the little  Satanic girl was in my room. In my defense I am living in a haunted house. But this is another story. 


1 commentaire:

  1. Very clear description of the film and its particular horror. But we really want to know about your haunted house…
    Corrections: good horror movies, that I have ever seen, at the FNAC, horror movie section, victory dance, horror movie fans, very difficult to find classical horror movie, a very kind and maternal single mum, one night, At first, help from her friend, who escorts her, starts therapy, she has caused, suffered a lot of trauma, not really a lucky person, disagrees, witnesses, explain why this movie, clues, to be very scary, there is no rapist, to be raped, being raped by an invisible man anytime anywhere, frightening, takes you, who raped a woman in the USA, look for other, never find a logical explanation, Satanic girl
